“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”
Dr Matt Harris is Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the International Society for Technology in Education (About ISTE). Matt is an American living in Indonesia. This is what he said:
“In my experiences as an EdTech leader, I find that contemporary educators are passionate about using technology to extend and deepen learning. Most recognize the changing landscape of “the real world” and the modern pedagogies needed to prepare students for that world. However, more often than not, they find challenges in applying these new concepts with specific tools.
With Allan Carrington’s Padagogy Wheel Model, teachers have an at-hand reference that ties apps to specific learning outcomes directly connected to modern pedagogies and theories. They can easily sit with the wheel during lesson planning time to find tools that will best aid their students or use it during class time to extend or deepen learning towards a specific 21st century skill or content area. This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”.
Matt Harris, Ed.D.
#EdTech Leader | Teacher| Mentor| Curator
http://mattharrisedd.com | [email protected]
Twitter: twitter.com/mattharrisedd (@mattharrisedd)

Download a PDF Poster below and all the apps are hot linked. For Apple iOS they connect to the web preview pages and will open your iTunes. For Android they connect to the Google Play site in your language if available.
Version Five: Unexpected and it is like a New Dawn of Possibilities
Now I know that sounds a bit much, but honestly the way this all happened feels a little mystical. As I have been reflecting and developing the model, music came to mind which really does express how I feel. See below for the story of Dawn Mantas and listen/watch the video in the slider… it is haunting, beautiful, full of hope and renewal.
This is the story of our last 3-4 weeks. First some context. I have had workshop and seminar questions about a Padagogy Wheel for the Android platform for years. My answer has always been “If you give me enough Android Apps according to Bloom’s, I’ll quickly give you a Padagogy Wheel” Strangely enough no one ever took me up on it … that is until an email arrived from Mexico a few weeks ago.
It was a request for permission to use the Padagogy Wheel to help train 2000 teachers receiving new tablets from the Mexican government. They were requesting permission to translate. I emailed back and excitedly told them we already had a Spanish version and was honoured they want to use it. The next email added another first.
They wanted to change all the apps to be for the Android Platform and link them to Google Play AND they volunteered to help. A new collaboration dawned quickly. Team Mexico had the skill and experience to gather the needed Android apps and categorize their strengths according to the Blooms Cognitive Domain Categories. Of course their focus was Spanish and they began proofing all the verbs and activities on the wheel itself. There are often multiple ways to say some of these verbs in other languages and Team Mexico set about proofing everything.
Inspired by these events, I began to think I should re-work the layout of the poster, making better use of the space and see what would happen to the size and capacity of the wheel. I was somewhat shocked at what could be achieved to improve the Poster and making more resources available to teachers (see the features and benefits of Version 5 below). I quickly emailed Adriana and the Team in Mexico and asked them for 50+ more Edu Apps for Android while I went looking for Apple iOS Apps.
We decided we would publish both the English together with the Spanish Version 5. We are thrilled to make the English posters available for download today and expect the Spanish to be following within a week. This version in much more useful than previous ones and now we have both major mobile platforms covered.
An email will very soon go to all those wonderful colleagues who have worked on the 10 languages already published. We will be inviting them to translate the new version and we will assemble and publish the posters of these languages as quickly as we can. Please download the posters and show your colleagues and start a conversation in the comments below.
Meet Team Mexico
We are teachers, researchers and educational technologists who work at two highly regarded educational institutions in the northern state of Sonora, Mexico. Adriana, Abraham and Federico work at the Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa del Estado de Sonora (CRFDIES) in Hermosillo the largest city and state capital, while Maricela and Lorenia work at the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) some 250 km south in Ciudad Obregón, the second largest city in the State.
We are focused on research and methodology in e-learning, distance education and the use of technologies in education. We are involved in supporting, with teacher education, the roll out of tens of thousands of Android tablets by the Government to teachers in Sonora. We will be using the Padagogy Wheel Spanish V5.0 for ANDROID as an integral part of teacher training. We believe this will help to maximise learning outcomes from these new devices.
Team Contact Details
Adriana Irene Carrillo Rosas
Centro Regional de Formación
Docente e Investigación Educativa
del Estado de Sonora (México)
Twitter: @tecnologiaCRFDI
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.crfdies.edu.mx
Adriana Irene Carrillo Rosas
is Professor, in the Management and Innovation Divison at CRFDIES and has a Master of Education majoring in teacher training from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Her specialty is multimodal literacy, instructional use of technology and organizational learning. Adriana teaches the Masters in Management Education and coordinator of the Diploma Enriched Learning Environments at Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa del Estado de Sonora (CRFDIES). She also teaches at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and participates in the Chair UNESCO / ICDE "Open Education Movement for Latin America" as member of the team responsible for training activities.

Maricela Urías Murrieta
is Research Professor from the Education Department at the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. She has an undergradute degree in the sciences of education and a Master in Teaching and Research in Education from the Institute Technological of Sound (ITSON). She has a PhD in education specializing in instructional technology and distance education from the Nova Southeastern University of Miami Florida. Currently Maricela is a full-time Research Professor at ITSON, attached to the Department of Education. She is a member of the academic core of the PhD in educational environments and systems and is also leader of the academic body of educational processes, SNI 1 and profile PRODEP.

Abraham Madero Carrillo
Is an invited Professor at Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa del Estado de Sonora (México). He is also a Professor and researcher in more than one renowned institution of Higher Education. Abraham is part of the team of professors of the training course: Enriched Learning Environments: Extended classroom; focused to the technology. His research interests are: teacher training, comprehensive training and educational technology.

Lorenia Cantú Ballesteros
Lorenia has a degree in computer science, with a Masters in Administration. She teaches full-time at the Universidad Estatal de Sonora (UES), assigned to software engineering. Lorenia has worked with projects focused on the application of the methodology of knowledge flow in the processes of accreditation of educational programs and in the development of applications for the tutorials area. Currently she is studying for her PhD in systems and educational environments from the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) and her dissertation work is about the design of a strategy to incorporate the technologies of information and communication in schools. Since 2005, Lorenia has been evaluating educational programs at the top level, in the area of social sciences for the Inter-institutional Committees for Higher Education Evaluation (CIEES).

Federico Ortega Enríquez
Is Professor and technical support expert at CRFDIES and is responsible for the training and use of educational technology, development of manuals and web design at the Instituto de Formación Docente del Estado de Sonora, He is also responsible for the training and use of Educational Technology, Manager of the Platform Moodle and trainer in the area of graduate studies at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Currently at CRFDIES he performs as support to the users of the educational services held by technology and also designs and implementation of impellers programs of educational technology, as in the case of the Diploma training course Enriched Environments Learning: Extended classroom.
What's New in Version Five
The Wheel itself is 25% larger in area yet still fits on an A3 or A2 size poster
Two separate Versions: Apple iOS and Android
Now six Bloom’s categories and double the resources
180+ Action Verbs and over a 100 Activities
50% more apps than V4 Apple iOS with 80 either new or updated – now each version has 188 apps
All Apps hot-linked to either iTunes for Apple iOS or Google Play for Android
Two File Sizes for Each Version of the English V5 Posters
- The ENG V5.0 PW Apple Poster: Print (18.8 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster. Suggest it be laminated.
http://bit.ly/AppleENGV5Print - The ENG V5.0 PW Apple Poster: Screen (3.1 mb): Usually just for computer screen use. http://bit.ly/AppleENGV5Screen
- The ENG V5.0 PW Android Poster: Print (10.3 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster. Suggest it be laminated.
http://bit.ly/AndroidENGV5Print - The ENG V5.0 PW Android Poster: Screen (1.4 mb): Usually just for computer screen use. http://bit.ly/AndroidENGV5Screen

About the Videos Embedded on the Slider Below
With each release of the Language Versions, we wanted to showcase the language and the culture. Of course some of the languages are used in many different countries, so we are focusing on the country and culture of residence of our Language Champions. We also have some light hearted clips where we highlight some of the humorous part of these great cultures. e.g. watch the English with 67 accents clip below, it’s a hoot. As well as showing videos about the country, people and culture we have chosen clips that evangelize the cause of educational technology in their language culture. Then we wanted to highlight some of the great initiatives being run from their institutions. And finally some short but great tutorials about the pedagogical strategies used as part of the Padagogy Wheel. We hope you find these videos both entertaining and inspirational as well as educational.
Dawn Mantras by Ross Edwards: This has got to be one of my favourite pieces of music composed in Australia. It came to mind a number of times while writing this blog post and you will love the Didgeridoo. Version 5.0 of the teaching and learning model is a new day for the Padagogy Wheel. It is real renewal. Ross himself describes this piece of history on his website : “I composed Dawn Mantras especially for the Dawn Performance which was telecast to the world at the dawn of the new millennium from the Sydney Opera House. This work, which captivated an audience of billions, expresses hope for peace and renewal. A sequence of unforgettable images culminated in a young girl singing solo from the topmost of the building’s famous sails, accompanied by mixed choirs and a culturally diverse instrumental ensemble. The text was sourced from Latin, as well as living languages of Australia, South East Asia and the Pacific.” Link to YouTube Video
Blooms Cognitive Domain Explained: I have been thinking a lot about Bloom’s for the last 4 years and yet this video I find very helpful in getting your head around the cognitive domain categories. Link to YouTube Video.
How to build a Culture of Innovation: What more do I say, this is Sir Ken Robinson doing what he does the best … challenging our thinking as teachers. Link to YouTube Video.
Why Mobile Learning?: This is an enlightening video from the vital worldview of accessibility. Made by a good friend and Apple Distinguished Educator Greg Alchin here in Australia, the video takes the importance of mobile learning to a new level. Link to YouTube Video,
Using Blooms to Write Learning Objectives: This is a very useful video tutorial which is part of the two day hands on workshop we run all over the world called “Getting the Best Use out of the Padagogy Wheel”. We do it as an interactive group exercise and teachers find it empowering to revisit how to create learning objectives. Link to YouTube Video,
Technology in Education – A Future Classroom: This a an inspiring and informative look at the classroom of the near future. What they show is now no longer the stuff of Star-trek Episodes. Link to YouTube Video,
The English Language in 67 accents: We wanted to somehow think about the diversity of English and what better way than towatch a very gifted young guy from Britain who has had 25+ million people giggle about his significant comedic skill of mimicking how people talk English around the world. It is very entertaining and quite funny at times. Link to YouTube Video,
The Padagogy Wheel Road Map
We are not going to make our target for language versions for 2016. The updating and release of Version 5 and some exciting invitations to run workshops in different parts of the world this year, has interrupted things in a good way. Ten languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese • Arabic • French • Russian • Czech • Hebrew. These release announcements add a new milestone to the First Language Project. We now have Version 5.0 published in English and Spanish, and there are six more languages in V4 awaiting assembly and publishing, they are • Catalan • Dutch • Polish.• Portuguese • Hindi • Ukrainian. We will be contacting the teams who did the translating of these as well as the other 8 V4 already published, inviting them to help with translating the new content for V5. We will be working hard to get as many languages in the new version published as soon as possible. If you are interested in helping, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact. with Allan by email.
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I need the Pedagogy Wheel in Spanish. I couldn’t find it here.
Maria Please look at the blog home page https://designingoutcomes.com. Under Versions/Blooms. There you will find the Spanish V5. Hope that helps Regards
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