German Padagogy Wheel: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
We have just learned that the APPitic website has gone offline and will no longer be maintained. This means the majority of the links on Version 4.0 of the Padagogy Wheel no longer work. We have now released The Padagogy Wheel V4.1 GERMAN Version with 126 Updated Apps now linked back to the Apple iTunes store. Also there are more activities in the Blooms Taxonomy and new teaching on “Getting the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel”. Please download a new version on the same links below
“Das „Padagogy Wheel” setzt die Idee der Motivation und Fähigkeiten optisch ins Zentrum. Dies ist eines der prägnanteren Merkmale als Modell: das Ineinandergreifen der Technologie, des Denkens und der Motivation der Studierenden. Viele der Misserfolge in #edtech sind Misserfolge der #edtech Integration. Ansätze wie das „Padagogy Wheel” versuchen die Beziehung zwischen den Elementen des „großen Ganzen“ zu verdeutlichen. Es ist von zentraler Bedeutung, die einzelnen Teile – Tablets, Apps, Lernziele, kognitive Handlungen, etc. –in ihrem Zusammenspiel zu betrachten. Ohne diese Vision ist jeder Einsatz von #edtech nutzlos.”
Auszug aus dem te@chthought blog post:
German translated by Google Translate Das Gesamtbild der Bildungstechnologie: das Padagogy-Rad Original Article in English:
The Global Reach of the Padagogy Wheel continues
Twitter is an amazing Professional Development tool for Teachers. It also helps them expand their PLN (Personal Learning Network). I met Volkmar on Twitter and after numerous exciting Direct Messages and emails he agreed to translate the Padagogy Wheel German Version. His full contact details are: Prof. Dr. Volkmar Langer, Präsident, Hochschule Weserbergland,
University of Applied Sciences, Am Stockhof 2, D-31785 Hameln Deutschland. Volkmar will be blogging about the German Version on the HSW-learn blog
A similar thing happened with meeting Tobias. Tobias helped with the V4.1 relesed Jan 2016. He added a great idea for helping with how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel. Have a look at the latest version 4.1 Tobias Rodemerk works for the State Institute for school development (LS) Baden-Württemberg. (The Black Forest Region). Please have a look at his blog Integrate2Learn.
There are two Versions of the German Padagogy Wheel V4 Poster
The GERMAN Wheel Poster Print (4.6 mb): This is a bigger file size to print the Poster as an A3 or A2 hardcopy suggest laminated. The GERMAN Wheel Poster Screen (1.7 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Wheel Road Map
We now have the Padagogy Wheel Learning and Teaching Model in six languages English | Spanish | German | Chinese | Norwegian | Arabic. At the time of this post, we have the following languages in production, Catalan | Russian | Dutch | French | Polish | Portuguese – with another 11 languages committed to translation. However let’s not stop there. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.
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