Czech Padagogy Wheel – Mluvíte česky?
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom
Dr. Matt Harris, který působil jako předseda představenstva společnosti International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), řekl:
„Ze zkušenosti v roli EdTech specialisty vím, že současní učitelé jsou zaujati myšlenkou využití technologií k rozšíření a prohloubení učení. Mnozí poznali, že situace v „reálném světě“ se mění a že moderní pedagogika musí připravovat studenty právě pro tento svět.
Často ale zápasili s tím, jak uplatnit nové koncepty pomocí konkrétních nástrojů. Díky kolu iPadagogiky Allana Carringtona získávají učitelé pomůcku, která váže aplikace na specifické výstupy učení přímo propojené s moderními strategiemi a teoriemi učení.
S kolem iPadagogiky si mohou učitelé při plánování výuky najít aplikaci, která jejich studentům nejvíce pomůže, nebo mohou toto kolo použít během výuky k rozšíření nebo prohloubení učení, k získání specifických dovedností pro 21. století nebo k práci s konkrétním obsahem. Právě toto spojení mezi teorií, praxí a aplikacemi z kola iPadagogiky činí nedocenitelný nástroj, který by měl být umístěn na zdi každé třídy.“
Matt Harris, Ed.D.
#EdTech specialista | Učitel| Mentor | Kurátor | [email protected]
Sledujte mne na Twitteru: (@mattharrisedd)

Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on the Poster are linked
to the Apple Preview pages on the Web and will open the iTunes store of your choice
Prague has been on our bucket list for 24 Years
In January 1994 in Europe it was the coldest winter in 10 years and my family and I rolled out of bed and we were driven to the Riga International Airport in Latvia at 3.00 am in the morning and in a snow storm no less. It was an early flight back to where we were based in Texas USA at the time. We boarded the plane with great expectation that our stopover was Prague. Then we got the bad news at Prague airport, we couldn’t leave the transit lounge because of visas. So there we stayed for an entire day with small children in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Talk about frustrating.
As the release of the wheel got closer, a possibility emerged. Maybe we could cross a visit to Prague off our “bucket list” after 24 years and help a lot of teachers there as well when were are in Europe.
In July we are hiring a car and driving across Southern Germany to Pilsen to run a couple of workshops AND see Prague on the weekend … how good is that?
When the email arrived from Martin in the Czech Republic and he shared that they wanted to translate the Padagogy Wheel into Czech, the memories flooded back. We have had a great and productive collaboration with Team Czech as I call them from the Faculty of Education at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
Meet Team Czech from UWB
We are Czech #edtech team from Faculty of Education at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. We are focused on research and methodology in e-learning, distance education and the use of technologies in education.
Team Contact Details
Dr. Lucie Rohlíková
Lifelog Learning Institute
University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8
326 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +420 604 115 360
Lucie Rohlíková
has for several years thought about the Padagogy Wheel adaptation and translation to Czech. She has gathered extensive practical experience with technology-enhanced learning implementing several projects with a specific focus on training students, teachers and new faculty members. Lucie has co-authored the book “Učíme se s tabletem (We are learning with the tablet).”

Jana Vejvodová
Jana has a strong background in technology use in the classroom, especially in Czech language teaching. She has many years of experience in training students, teachers and academic staff. While translating the Padagogy Wheel Jana merged linguistics and didactics, the two fields to which she devoted her entire professional career.

Ondřej Rohlík
Ondřej is a software engineer interested in human-computer interface, the development of internet applications and m-learning features. He sees the Padagogy Wheel as a practical aid for teachers at all levels that can enhance the repertoire of activities with tablets in teaching.

Martin Prade
Martin is an elementary school teacher who is continuously sharing inspiration with the Czech teacher community about using the iPad in the classroom. He is focused on iPad applications. He uses the Padagogy Wheel in his work with pupils and also in his research.

Linda Pospíšilová
Linda is a university teacher of Specific and Academic English with years of experience in eLearning and ePortfolio areas. She researches ePortfolio, student autonomy, and goal setting in language learning implementing Padagogy Wheel. She is an author of several online courses awarded EUNIS prizes and a Mahara system administrator.
Features of the Czech Version
- Carefully translated into Czech.
- 124 educational apps linked to the the Apple preview pages on the web which will open your iTunes store of choice.
- Teaching in Czech on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel
- Criteria to help select apps according to Blooms Cognitive Domain Categories
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogy for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are Two Versions of the Czech Padagogy Wheel V4.1 Poster
- The CZECH Wheel Poster A2 Print (10.8 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster Suggest it be laminated.
- The CZECH Wheel Poster Screen (1.7 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 22 languages by the end of 2016. Nine languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese • Arabic • French • Russian • Czech. Added to this, there are four more that will be published in the next two months. They are • Hebrew • Dutch • Polish.• Portuguese. A further nine languages are committed to translation during the rest of 2016. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.