LAMS: Student Centric Learning Design

If you consider the “Continuum of Shift” applied to learning management systems, at one end you have a content-centric tool like Blackboard, then you find Moodle in the middle, and at the other, activity-centric, end you have LAMS (Learning Activity Management System), which is being used for interactive learning sequences and constructivist design in teaching. “LAMS is not really a LMS as such, […]

The Continuum of Shift

In 2007 I was making a joint presentation with a colleague from the USA. She introduced  the concept of a continuum along which a teacher can move based on how he/she teaches. We called it the Continuum of Shift.* This concept has been a great help to me as a support person, helping teaching faculty in higher education. How […]

Student Mentoring Unpacked

Can we do this using elearning? One of the highlights of our visit to Bethany International was meeting Carol Freeman, Dean of Student Mentoring. Carol explained the school’s mentoring program that all students participate in as they move through their undergraduate experience.  It’s really intense as you will hear in the podcast episode.  The result is […]