More Teaching Resources and now for both Apple iOS and Android
We are excited to announce the publishing of the Slovenian Language Version 5.0. The Wheel area is bigger with more choices of action verbs and activities categorized according to the Blooms Cognitive domain categories in the Bloom’s Taxonomy.

This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”.
“Povezovanje teorije, prakse in aplikacij je Pedagoško kolo napravilo za dragocen vir, ki bi moral viseti na steni vsake učilnice”.
Matt Harris, Ed.D.
#EdTech Leader | Teacher | Mentor | Curator | [email protected]
Follow Matt on Twitter: (@mattharrisedd)
Use the links below to download the Apple iOS or Android version of the Padagogy Wheel Poster of your choice.
Meet our Slovenian Language Champions

Radovan is Senior Consultant for Computer Science and Informatics at National Educational Institute Slovenia. He used to be a teacher of Informatics at High School and he was involved in various projects related to the use of digital technology in teaching.
He is currently participating in the Innovative Pedagogy project, where he is involved in setting up the teacher e-community and spreading good practice in teaching with digital technology. He is also the (co)author of some online seminars in the field of digital competence development. He lives in Maribor, Slovenia.
If you would like to contact Radovan
Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: Radovan Krajnc

Maja is a history teacher at High school for economics and gymnasium Maribor. She was involved in various projects related to the use of digital technology in teaching and learning process in Slovenia and Europe, where she was implementing innovative, reasonable and efficient use of technology with her students and spreading her knowledge and experience to other teachers. She is a (co)author of many workshops and online seminars for teachers. Beside teaching at school, she is currently responsible for teachers training in the Innovative Pedagogy project.
If you would like to contact Maja
Email: [email protected]

Radovan and Maja live in Maribor This is a Slovenian city set amid wine-region hills on the Drava River. On Glavni Trg, the old town’s main square, the Renaissance-style Town Hall (Mariborski rotovž) dates from 1515
The Beginning of the Slovene Version
It was Feb 2018 (a year ago) that the first enquiry arrived about translating the Padagogy Wheel into Slovenian. Much of the delay has been at the Australian end of the team and sadly unavoidable. However the actual Slovenian Poster has been published now for 3 months – it just hasn’t been publicly available from this blog. For all the delays we are sorry. However the timing was very special and a first happened.. It was while the translation was being committed to the final poster template Allan received another email from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia to give a keynote presentation and workshop at a Symposium they were having in November 2018. The University of Ljubljana invitation was completely separate and they had no idea we were working on the Slovenian translation. We were thrilled to be able to agree to go to this wonderful country and help Slovenian speaking teachers but that we would also have a Slovenian Version Padagogy Wheel published to use in the workshops..
What's New on the Padagogy Wheel Slovenian Version 5
- The Wheel itself is 25% larger in area yet still fits on an A3 or A2 size poster
- Six Bloom’s categories and double the resources
- 180+ Action Verbs and 100 Activities giving more choices for establishing outcomes
- 50% more apps on each Poster
- Two separate Versions: Apple iOS and Android
Two Different PDF Files for each Version of the Poster
The SLO V5.0 PW Apple Poster: Print (17.8 mb)
This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster. Suggest it be laminated.
The SLO V5.0 PW Apple Poster: Screen (1.3 mb)
Usually just for computer screen use.

The SLO V5.0 PW Android Poster: Print (17 mb)
This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster. Suggest it be laminated.
The SLO V5.0 PW Android Poster: Screen (1.6 mb)
Usually just for computer screen use.

The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 30 languages by the end of 2019. Seventeen languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Chinese • Norwegian • Swedish •˙Hebrew • Arabic • French • Russian • Italian • Hindi • Gujarati • Tamil.• Czech • Estonian • Slovenian. Added to this, there are three more that will be published in the next three months. They are • Ukrainian • Dutch.• Portuguese. A further four languages are committed to translation as soon as possible. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.