Articulate Storyline 2 is a powerhouse of rapid learning elopement software. It has revolutionised the development of social simulations. This course will give you an overview of the list of features in Storyline 2 and how the teacher/trainer can use it to build simulations and multimedia enhanced learning and keep costs manageable.
Designing and building simulations has a lot to do with storytelling. In this course we will unpack the three components of experience design – consequences, narrative feedback and the scorecard.
Teachers across the world agree that learning by experience is the best way to learn. Today thanks to technology we can more easily immerse learners into simulations and provide engaging learning experiences. In this course you will be introduced to the pedagogy of simulations. How to write them and you will learn about some of the latest multimedia […]
Tomorrow’s students should not be taught using yesterday’s pedagogy …. including the way we were taught. This course will explore the strategic theory behind learner centric interactive multimedia curriculum. You will also unpack the components of ILM’s or Interactive Learning Modules as we call them.
Cool new term … same pedagogical approach that has been around for 17 years. Learners will learn what is all the “flipping fuss” is about. This overview course will encourage you to think outside the box about how you design your curriculum and how you deliver your content as well as challenge your teaching practice.
You can choose great technologies to enhance your pedagogy but do not optimize its use. Learners will be introduced to the SAMR model to help get the best outcomes from using the technologies.
There are some learning activities that require very little educational technology – a pen and paper will do it. However when more is needed how do you decide what will give you the best learning outcomes. In this course learners will work with selection criteria to help make edTech decisions, especially the choice of Apps […]
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain Categories has been a fundamental help to teaching and learning since the 1950’s In this course you will learn how to use the Taxonomy Wheel to help students with higher order thinking and more creative learning goals to achieve more effective outcomes.
This course is based on the work of Dan Pink. Motivation today needs to be different, gone are the days of carrot and stick and Dan helps you apply the concepts of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose to your curriculum building and teaching practice.
What does an excellent graduate “look like”? What do they value? How do they think? Do they have integrity? Are they honest? Who cares anyway. In this course you will think about graduate attributes and employable capabilities and how to build them into your programs and teaching practice.
An overview of the methodology of using the Padagogy Wheel. There are prompts or interconnected gears to check your teaching from planning to implementation. The Attributes Gear: Can graduate attributes and employable capabilities help define excellence in context? The Motivation Gear: Is it practical that you try to keep the students motivated? The Blooms Gear: […]
This course will give the learner an introduction to the five areas of prompts and checks to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel. It is helpful to consider these areas like interconnected gears to check your teaching from planning to implementation.