The Updated V5.0 of the Padagogy Wheel has 50% more resources and 188 linked educational apps and should be in every classroom.

The Updated V5.0 of the Padagogy Wheel has 50% more resources and 188 linked educational apps and should be in every classroom.
The Hebrew Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom”
The Hebrew Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom”
The Czech Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom”
Russian Padagogy Wheel “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.”
French Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
Arabic Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
“Not hearing is not as good as hearing, hearing is not as good as seeing, seeing is not as good as knowing, knowing is not as good as acting; true learning continues until it is put into action.”
Norwegian Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
Chinese Padagogy Wheel. “This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.