Chinese Padagogy Wheel. "This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
German Padagogy Wheel. "This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
Spanish Padagogy Wheel. "This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
English Padagogy Wheel. "This connection of theory, practice, and application should be on the wall of every classroom.
Padagogy Wheel Posters
First Language Versions
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”.
Twitter was used to request help from teachers around the world, to translate and share the message. The response was amazing.
There will be at least 25 different Language Posters published by the end of 2016. Each language has a “Language Champion” who blogs and shares in their first language to help teachers get the most out of the learning model.