Russian Padagogy Wheel: Вы говорите по-русски?
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom
Доктор Мэт Харрис – Председатель Совета директоров Международного Общества Технологии в образовании (ISTE). Марк станет его преемником в 2016 году и будет первым Председателем Совета директоров, живущим и работающим за пределами Соединенных Штатов. Мэтт делится своим мнением:
«Будучи лидером EdTech я вижу стремление современных педагогов к использованию технологий с целью углубления и расширения процесса обучения. Большинство из них принимают перемены, происходящие в «реальном мире», и современные методы, необходимые для подготовки учеников к жизни в нем. Однако, как правило, они сталкиваются с трудностями в применении этих новых методов и выборе соответствующих им средств. Колесо Аллана Каррингтона является простым и доступным инструментом, который поможет педагогу увязать приложения и сервисы с конкретными задачами обучения в непосредственной связи с современными педагогическими методами и подходами.
Учитель с успехом может использовать колесо при планировании урока дома и во время работы в классе, подбирая приложения, наиболее отвечающие целям, содержанию обучения и потребностям его учеников, и способствующие формированию у них умений 21 века. Именно эта связь теории, практики и технологии делает ПАДагогическое колесо бесценным ресурсом, который должен быть на стене в каждом классе».
Мэтт Харрис, д.п.н.
#EdTech Лидер | Педагог| Наставник| Руководитель | [email protected]
Twitter: (@mattharrisedd)

Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on the Poster are linked
to the Apple Preview pages on the Web and will open the iTunes store of your choice
Three years in the making but it is worth it
The Good Book has great wisdom about project planning and timing. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. I have lived long enough and travelled far enough to know that is true wisdom from above. For a long time I have been looking for a collaboration contact in Russia to help with the Russian Language version of the Padagogy Wheel. I have tweeted and checked social forums and even emailed specific teachers I had heard about but to no avail. Little did I know what was happening in Olga’s world. When I asked about how she connected, this is her story:
“Three years ago I came across the Padagogy Wheel on the Internet, I translated the description of it in Russian and published it in my blog with the links to Allan’s post and the original of the PW poster. (V3) . I had a strong desire to ask Allan for the permission to translate it into Russian, but something held me back….probably it wasn’t the right time for it in Russia. This January in my twitter I found a message from Allan and he was looking for help in translation of the Padagogy Wheel into different languages…. That was destiny!
I had worked for many years as a teacher and an assistant principal at a school in a small town of Olekminsk, deep in a Siberian taiga on the bank of the Lena River. My desire and purpose have always been to help students and teachers make their learning and teaching more effective, exciting and engaging. Technology opens incredible opportunities in education, it makes learning and teaching more personalized, and individualised. Technology lets both teachers and students be more creative and instrumental in self-actualization and self-expression. It pushes the boundaries, especially for education in remote areas.
To help teachers of my school learn new technologies and integrate them into teaching, I started blogging a few years ago and it went far beyond just our school or district. I hope the Russian version of the Padagogy Wheel will be of great help and support for teachers not only in Russia. Russian is one of the top 10 spoken languages in the world: over 250 million people speak Russian. It is still widely-spoken in post-Soviet republics, like Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, etc., and a huge number of teachers from these countries stay connected and help each other in their teaching practice.
The more I read about the wheel, the more I understand that it will influence both a student’s knowledge and skills development, and a teacher’s efficiency as well, because every time a teacher spins the wheel and elaborates the lesson plan, objectives/outcomes/activities/tools he or she will develop a better understanding of his/her students, a broader view on the learning process and higher level of personal professional skills.”
Olga aggregates learning and teaching trends and the new technologies on her blog Осваиваем “сети и облака”:
Olga Evsifeeva
Assistant Principal (IT & innovation),
Center for Creative Development & Liberal Education, Olekminsk, Russia
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jermielutz
Finally a Country as Vast as Australia
Not everyone understands how big Australia really is. How we can travel for 10 hours in a straight line watching oncoming lights – kilometres and kilometres of immense vastness. Somehow I think Olga can. She lives in a part of Russia I have never investigated even in Google maps. What an amazing and beautiful part of Russia it is. I now have another location to add to my bucket list. 🙂
Features of the Russian Version
- Carefully translated into Russian.
- 124 educational apps linked to the the Apple preview pages on the web which will open your iTunes store of choice.
- Teaching in Russian on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel
- Criteria to help select apps according to Blooms Cognitive Domain Categories
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogy for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are Two Versions of the Russian Padagogy Wheel V4.1 Poster
The RUSSIAN Wheel Poster A2 Print (10.9 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster Suggest it be laminated.
- The RUSSIAN Wheel Poster Screen (1.7 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Padagogy Wheel Journey
2015 was a big year for the development of the Padagogy Wheel Model. This is a “trailer” like 2 minute video from YouTube with a challenge to teachers. It has Russian subtitles.
The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 22 languages by the end of 2016. Eight languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese • Arabic • French • Russian. Added to this, there are four more that will be published in the next two months. They are • Catalan • Dutch • Polish.• Portuguese. A further ten languages are committed to translation during the rest of 2016. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.