Norwegian Padagogy Wheel: Snakker du norsk?
“Denne forbindelsen mellom teori, praksis og apper gjør det padagogiske hjulet til en uvurderlig ressurs som bør henge på veggen ialle klasserom”
Dr. Matt Harris er tiltredende styreleder for “Board of Directors for the International Society for Technology in Education” (About ISTE) . Matt vil overta som leder for styret i 2016, og han vil bli den første personen med dette vervet som både bor og arbeider utenfor USA. Han sier selv:
“Gjennom mine erfaringer som #EdTech leder, ser jeg at pedagogene I min samtid er lidenskapelig opptatt av å bruke teknologi for å forsterke og gi dypere læring. De fleste ser at verden forandrer seg, og moderne pedagoger må forberede studentene for dette nye samfunnet. Men, det er ikke uvanlig at de opplever det utfordrende å ta I bruk disse nye konseptene med spesifikke verktøy. Med Allan Carrington `s Padagogy Wheel Model, har lærere fått en “rett-i-hånda” referanse som knytter apper til spesifikt ønsket lærings-utbytte, direkte koblet til moderne pedagogikk og teorier. De kan enkelt og greit sitte med hjulet under forberedelse av timene, for å finne ut hvilke verktøy eleven vil ha best nytte av, eller bruke det i løpet av timen til å forlenge eller gi dypere læring, rettet mot egenskaper, evner eller emner de trenger å kunne i det 21. århundre. Denne forbindelsen mellom teori, praksis og apper gjør det padagogiske hjulet til en uvurderlig ressurs som bør henge på veggen i alle klasserom “
Matt Harris, Ed.D
#EdTech Leader Teacher Mentor Rådgiver | [email protected]
Twitter: (@mattharrisedd)
Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on the Poster are linked
to the Norwegian iTunes App Store
The Global Reach of the Padagogy Wheel continues
Ellen responded to my invitation to translate the Padagogy Wheel into her first language – Norwegian. She is a teacher for children with special needs and has been working with iPads for over three years. She has been working on a Padagogy Wheel for children with special needs.
The task of translating the Padagogy Wheel into Norwegian was accompanied by Ellen researching what apps would be more popular and helpful – what we called Norwegian friendly. We also decided to link all the apps directly to the Norway iTunes Store
Ellen blogs about mobile technology and in particular pedagogy and apps for children with special needs on her educational Facebook Page L1 – Ellens beste skoleapper og litt til
Ellen Romstad
Teacher for children with special Needs
Bjørnemyr Norway
email: [email protected]
We decided we would add some further help for those using the learning and teaching model by adding some ideas on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel on the poster itself.
Ellen was invited to present about her work with children with special needs at SPOT 2015 which was held 25.-26. November at Lillestrøm Norway – a conference focusing on special education and technology. The Padagogy Wheel was an integral part of her presentation. The description of her workshop is online – but in Norwegian of course. Ellen’s PowerPoint presentation is also for download here (154 mb)
This video overview of her workshop is embedded below with the full one hour recording available on YouTube
Features of the Norwegian Version:
- Carefully translated into Norwegian.
- 124 Norwegian friendly educational apps linked to the Norwegian Apple iTunes Store.
- Teaching in Norwegian on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel
- Criteria to help select apps according to Blooms Cognitive Domain Categories
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogy for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are two Versions of the Norwegian Padagogy Wheel V4 Poster
The NORWEGIAN Wheel Poster Print (4.3 mb): This is a bigger file size to print the Poster as an A3 or A2 hardcopy suggest it be laminated. The NORWEGIAN Wheel Poster Screen (1.5 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 21 languages by the end of 2016. Five languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese. Added to this, there are seven more that will be published by the end of Feb 2016. They are • Arabic • Catalan • Dutch • French • Polish.• Portuguese • Russian. A further nine languages are committed to translation during the rest of 2016. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.