Arabic Padagogy Wheel: هل تتكلم العربية؟
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”
الدكتور مات هاريس هو رئيس مجلس إدارة الجمعية العالميّة للتكنولوجيا في التربية (ISTE) منذ مطلع 2016 ويكون بذلك أول شخص يتسلّم هذه المسؤولية وهو قائم خارج الولايات المتحدة. هذا ما قاله مات:
“بحسب خبراتي كمسؤول في التكنولوجيا التربوية أرى أنّ المربّين المعاصرين لديهم شغف لاستعمال التكنولوجيا لتعزيز وتعميق التعلّم. فمعظمهم يدرك تغيّر معالم “وقائع عالمنا” والبيداغوجيّات الحديثة اللازمة لتهييء المتعلّمين لهذا العالم. ولكنهم، في معظم الأوقات، يواجهون التحدّيات في تطبيق هذه المفاهيم الجديدة مع وسائل محدّدة. يقدم نموذج دولاب الان كريغتون للبَداغوجيا مرجعاً للمعلّمين يربط البرامج التطبيقية بأهداف تعلّمية محدّدة مرتبطة بدورها ببيداغوجيات ونظريات معاصرة. يمكنهم العودة الى الدولاب لتخطيط الدرس لإيجاد الوسائل الفضلى لمساعدة المتعلّمين أو استعمال دولاب خلال الحصّة لتعزيز وتعميق التعلّم تجاه احدى مهارات القرن الواحد والعشرين أومضمونٍ معين. هذا الرابط بين النظريّة في الممارسة والتطبيق يجعل دولاب البَداغوجيا مرجعيّة لا تثمّن وينبغي أن تكون على جدار كل صف.”
مات هاريس دكتوراه في التربية مسؤول في تكنولوجيا التعلّم | مربٍّ | مستشار | curator | [email protected] تابعني على: Twitter: (@mattharrisedd)
Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on the Poster are linked to the Apple Preview pages on the Web and will open the iTunes store of your choice
An Opportunity too important to pass up
I recently joined the ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education) and decided to post an article in their forums. It was about China and Pedagogy which also became the post “When 2300 year old pedagogy meets 21st century technologies” I never would have imagined what happened next. I saw a tweet supporting the Padagogy Wheel and the location of the teacher grabbed my attention. I sent a tweet and we connected. That was only two weeks ago. The conversation/project moved quickly. Claudine saw my ISTE post and lives in Lebanon and she mentioned that on Jan 16th 2015 (date of this post) she was leading a Professional Development Workshop and asked could she use the Wheel. Of course I was thrilled and said yes, then I said “would it help if the poster was in Arabic”? She said a resounding “Yes”? Do you know Arabic is the world’s 5th language measured by numbers of speakers. 295 million people in 2010. It was an opportunity too important to pass up. The Padagogy Wheel Arabic version began. It has been an intense time of collaboration and Claudine and I have learned a lot about the challenges of Arabic on English interface computers. To go from standing start to what you see in this post has been a satisfying journey. Claudine Aziz. Director for digital integration and professional development coordinator Saint Joseph School – Cornet Chahwan Lebanon email: [email protected] Claudine is an educational consultant who has served at a Lebanese private K12 school as teacher, head of department, and high school principal. She is currently technology integration director & PD coordinator, PhD candidate, Microsoft & Google Educator advocating for transforming curricula. Please visit her blog “Captivate to Educate” where she will be helping Arabic speaking teachers with all the Pedagogy and technology content that spins off the Padagogy Wheel – pun intended 🙂
Today we published the Arabic Version of the Padagogy Wheel and it was used within hours in a Teacher Professional Development Session in Beirut Lebanon. It truly is a connected world.
Features of the Arabic Version:
- Carefully translated into Arabic.
- 124 educational apps linked to the the Apple preview pages on the web which will open your iTunes store of choice.
- Teaching in Arabic on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel
- Criteria to help select apps according to Blooms Cognitive Domain Categories
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogy for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are Three Versions of the Arabic Padagogy Wheel V4 Poster
The ARABIC Wheel Poster A1 Print (10.6 mb): This is a large file size to print the Poster as A1 hard copy. Suggest it be laminated.
- The ARABIC Wheel Poster A3 Print (3.1 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A3 hard copy poster Suggest it be laminated.
- The ARABIC Wheel Poster Screen (1.6 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 21 languages by the end of 2016. Six languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese • Arabic. Added to this, there are six more that will be published by the end of Feb 2016. They are • Catalan • Dutch • French • Polish.• Portuguese • Russian. A further nine languages are committed to translation during the rest of 2016. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.