מדברים עברית ? The Hebrew Padagogy Wheel
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom
“בחוויה שלי כמוביל בתחום הטכנולוגיה החינוכית, אני מוצא שאנשי חינוך בימינו נלהבים להשתמש בטכנולוגיה כדי להרחיב ולהעמיק את הלמידה. רובם מכירים בשינוי המתרחש ב”עולם האמיתי” ואת הצורך להתאים את הפדגוגיה כדי להכין את התלמידים לעולם זה. עם זאת, לא פעם, הם מתמודדים עם אתגרים ביישום התפיסות החדשות. גלגל הפדגוגיה של אלן קרינגטון מהווה עבור המורים מקור יעץ המחבר בין האפליקציות לבין תוצרי הלמידה הספציפיים, וקושר אותן לתיאוריה ולתפיסות הפדגוגיות המודרניות. מורים יכולים להעזר בקלות בגלגל במהלך תכנון שיעור, כדי למצוא כלים שיעזרו לתלמידיהם, או להשתמש בו בזמן שיעור כדי להעמיק את הלמידה בתחום דעת ספציפי ורכישת מיומנויות. חיבור זה של תאוריה, פרקטיקה ויישום הופך את גלגל הפדגוגיה למשאב חשוב, אשר ראוי שיהא על הקיר של כל כיתה”
מאט האריס, Ed.D.
מוביל #EdTech | מורה | מנטור | אוֹצֵר
http://mattharrisedd.com | [email protected]
עקבו אחריי ב-Twitter:
twitter.com/mattharrisedd) @mattharrisedd)

Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on the Poster are linked
to the Apple Preview pages on the Web and will open the iTunes store of your choice
I Live in a Kibbutz by the Sea
“Really, a Kibbutz and what sea do you mean?” “The Sea of Galilee, you know the one right? Where Jesus hung out around it and walked on it? I was chatting on Facebook with Efrat and her response left me speechless. “Sure I know it … I am a committed Christian and all my adult life I have wanted to visit Israel and walk on the shores of the Sea of Galilee” was the first response I could think of. So naturally Efrat responds “Sure we would love you to come on over and we will show you around.”
It began to sink in … the Padagogy Wheel was being translated into Hebrew no less on the shores of Galilee. What a cool story I could tell for the rest of my life and this one would even impress the grandchildren. Ever since the beginning of the First Language Project I wanted to include Hebrew as one of the languages. Social media had done it again, Reuven saw one of my tweet messages, passed it to Efrat who contacted me and the rest is history or is becoming so.
Efrat introduced me to Tami from the Open University in Israel and Reuven who works in the MOFET Institute in Tel Aviv.
While chatting with Reuven I commented about my excitement at the possibility of me visiting the Sea of Galilee one day and he throws out in a matter of fact sort of way. “I live about half an hour out of Jerusalem and about 5 minutes from the Way of the Patriarchs where Abraham Isaac, Jacob, King David, Amos the Prophet traveled & lived I could show you that as well. Thus began a wonderful yet challenging collaboration. I thought wow this shouldn’t be too hard especially after Chinese and Arabic. However the western aka English Interface of my computer somehow didn’t quite get the formatting of Hebrew and it has turned out some really creative formatting was needed to get even some of the punctuation in the correct place.
We would like to hear from any Hebrew speaking teacher who would like to change or add some apps more useful to Israeli teachers then please connect with us. The Padagogy Wheel is certainly not statice and we will continue to improve it.
Meet Team Israel
Efrat is an educational consultant and teacher trainer who manages her own educational consultancy in the field of Digital Pedagogy. Reuven works at the International Channel of The MOFET Institute where he serves as the Academic & Content Editor of the MOFET International Jewish Education Portal. Tami is an information specialist, instructional designer and member of the pedagogical team at the Shoham Center for Technologies in Distance Education at the Open University of Israel. We are honoured that they are collaborating with us on the Hebrew Version of the Padagogy Wheel.
Team Contact Details
כלים קטנים גדולים
Email: [email protected]
Blog: Digitalpedagogy.co
Twitter: @efratmima
Facebook: efratmima
MOFET Institute
Email: [email protected]
Blog:: MOFET Jewish Education Portal
Twitter: @reuw
Facebook: reuvenwe
Open University of Israel.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @taminoi
Facebook: taminoi

Efrat Maatuf
Efrat is an educational consultant and teacher trainer. Once employed by Israeli Ministry of Education, today Efrat manages her own educational consultancy in the field of Digital Pedagogy. She is also an experienced educational content developer and blogger. Her blog digitalpedagogy.co reaches thousands of readers every day and is an acknowledged source of thought leadership in the field of technology enhanced teaching and learning.

Reuven Werber
Reuven served as educational technology coordinator at the Herzog College and Neveh Channah High School as well as a project director at the Pedagogic Secretariat at the Israel Ministry of Education. He presently works at the International Channel of The MOFET Institute where he serves as the Academic & Content Editor of the MOFET International Jewish Education Portal

Tami Neuthal
Tami is an information specialist, instructional designer and member of the pedagogical team at the Shoham Center for Technologies in Distance Education at the Open University of Israel. She ran The university's MOOC project and consults faculty and projects involving online learning environments and social media.
Features of the Hebrew Version
- Carefully translated into Hebrew.
- 124 educational apps linked to the the Apple preview pages on the web which will open your iTunes store of choice.
- Teaching in Hebrew on how to get the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel
- Criteria to help select apps according to Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Categories
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogy for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are Two Versions of the Hebrew Padagogy Wheel V4.1 Poster
- The HEBREW Wheel Poster A2 Print (10.3 mb): This is a larger file to the screen size and designed to print the Poster as an A2 or A3 hard copy poster Suggest it be laminated. bit.ly/PWposterHEBHD
- The HEBREW Wheel Poster Screen (1.4 mb): Usually just for computer screen use. bit.ly/PWposterHEB

The Wheel Road Map
The Padagogy Wheel poster will be available in at least 22 languages by the end of 2016. Ten languages are already published. They are • English • Spanish • German • Norwegian • Chinese • Arabic • French • Russian • Czech • Hebrew.. Added to this, there are four more that will be published in the next two months. They are • Dutch • Polish.• Portuguese • Hindi. A further eight languages are committed to translation during the rest of 2016. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.