Chinese Padagogy Wheel: 你会说中文吗?
“This connection of theory, practice, and application makes the Padagogy Wheel an invaluable resource that should be on the wall of every classroom”. Dr Matt Harris
Download the PDF Poster below. All apps on it are linked to the Chinese iTunes App Store
Matt Harris博士是美国国际教育技术协会(关于ISTE)董事会候任主席。Matt将于2016年接任董事会主席,成为第一位不在美国居住和工作的主席。正如Matt所说
” “我在EdTech担任领导期间,发现当代教育家热衷于使用技术来扩展和深化学习。他们中的大多数人意识到“现实世界”在不断变化,而现代教育学需要帮助 学生在进入那个世界之前做好充分准备。然而,他们在使用特定工具实现这些新概念时经常遇到困难。Allan Carrington 的Padagogy轮模型正是为教师提供了一个简易的使用指南。该指南将apps和基于现代教育学和理论的学习产出相联系,方便教师在备课时从 Padagogy轮查找最适合自己学生的工具,或者在课堂上使用该轮扩展或深化对某个21世纪技能或领域的学习。Padagogy轮将理论、实践和应用相 结合,是一个宝贵的资源。因此,推荐每位教师将其引进课堂。 “
Matt Harris,教育学博士
#EdTech领导|教师|导师|策展人 | [email protected]
关注我的Twitter: (@mattharrisedd)
The Global Reach of the Padagogy Wheel continues
I was sharing the Padagogy Wheel project to a good friend and colleague in Adelaide and she made a suggestion the has led to two exciting months work and a learning model tool for the great nation of China. Jasmine Yow is a translator and together we looked at translating the Padagogy Wheel into Chinese. As I thought about this I began to think about the possibilities. I have since learnt that in China there are at least 14.6 million teachers in the K-12 space alone and 1.8 million teachers of English. Add this to the number of teachers in Higher Education and Vocational Education and the numbers of Chinese speaking teachers who might be interested in this version of the Wheel is staggering.
We decided to explore Chinese Social Media which is quite different to what we know in other countries . We were both pleasantly surprised that there are quite a few mentions of earlier versions of the Padagogy Wheel already online. In her research, Jasmine identified a blog which had written about the importance of the Wheel, as well as another university teacher who’s specialty is mobile learning. She facilitated my connection with both these academics. I introduced them both to the latest Version 4.0 of the Wheel and asked could they help translate it into Chinese – thus began a great collaborative partnership which has produced the most customized useful poster yet and they have become friends.
Clatin Chang
The Pedagogical Academy
HuNan Agricultural University
ChangSha HuNan Province
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Jiao Jianli
Professor of Educational Technology
Director of Future Education Research Centre
Deputy Dean of School of IT in Education
South China Normal University Guangzhou, Province China
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Jiao and his great team of specialists from South China Normal University truly captured the vision and supported the production of the Chinese version far beyond what I hoped for. They workshopped the translation and used the activity to be Professional Development (PD) about pedagogy and technology. We have set up a group in WeChat. This is a Skype and Twitter like program used across China – we chat daily. We have brainstormed and clarified concepts for a number of weeks now. Dr Jiao was kind enough to write a teaching piece for language learning which is on the Poster. Then the team suggested we collaborate on a Chinese based blog in two languages. 如果你懂中文请访问
Clatin volunteered to help by auditing all the apps on the English Padagogy Wheel and making recommendations of apps more useful to teachers and students in China. He did a fantastic job and introduced me to the Great Fire Wall (GFW) and I discovered that many of the Apps did not work in China. He provided the links for each app to the Chinese Apple iTunes Preview pages as well. Clatin also suggested the idea about extending the support on the Poster to include teaching a language.
Features of the Chinese Version: The most developed Padagogy Wheel so far
- Carefully translated into Simplified Chinese.
- 124 Chinese friendly educational apps linked to the Chinese Apple iTunes Store.
- Teaching in Chinese on how to use the Padagogy Wheel to learn a language.
- Language learning specialty apps are highlighted on the wheel to help teachers design better technology enhanced outcomes.
- More resources to explain the SAMR model are linked to help teachers understand this important concept.
- Links to resources on Immersive Learning to help teachers develop pedagogies for developing graduate attributes and motivation.
There are two Versions of the Chinese Padagogy Wheel V4 Poster
The CHINESE Wheel Poster Print (4.3 mb): This is a bigger file size to print the Poster as an A3 or A2 hardcopy suggest laminated. The CHINESE Wheel Poster Screen (2 mb): Usually just for computer screen use.
The Padagogy Wheel Journey
2015 was a big year for the development of the Padagogy Wheel Model. This is a “trailer” like 2 minute video from YouTube with a challenge to teachers. It has Chinese subtitles.
[x_video_embed no_container=”true”][/x_video_embed]
The Wheel Road Map
We now have the Padagogy Wheel Learning and Teaching Model in four languages English, Spanish, German and now Chinese. At the time of this post, we have the following languages in production, Catalan | Dutch | Filipino | French | Greek | Irish | Italian | Japanese | Norwegian | Portuguese | Russian | Turkish | Korean and Arabic – 14 languages. However let’s not stop there. If you are interested in translating the Padagogy Wheel into your heart language, then please read this Translation Method and get in contact.
Glad to be part of the project.
Awesome dear friend …. if you need someone for a revision in spanish I may help ….